Optimize Your Circumstance

Make the best of your current circumstances.

For about a year, I was commuting 12 hours every week.

If you've never driven rural Texas roads at 4am, it's not enjoyable.

I knew it wasn't sustainable long-term, but I had to focus on what I could control while searching for a new opportunity.

What did I have control over? What I listened to.

Those 12 hours in the car would pass, regardless of how the time was spent.

The majority of the time was spent listening to veteran transition stories on the Lessons Learned for Vets Podcast and career transition stories on the Ken Coleman show.

*Sidenote: I may or may not have also listened to a few spooky ghost stories to frighten myself awake!

Listening to the success stories of others provided insight and hope that a career transition was possible.

More than a year later (and in a new career), I find myself still regularly listening to both podcasts.

In a way, it takes me back to those early morning drives.

It's a constant reminder of how much can change in 365 days.

Instead of focusing on the negatives of your situation, focus on what you can control.

Put in the work, have patience, and never lose hope.


Success Takes Patience


Hiking and the Job Search