Focus On What You Can Control

The best sleep I ever got was in Iraq.
It wasn't because my bed was comfortable. I slept in a sleeping bag on a thin mattress.
It wasn't because I used a white noise app. The tent's HVAC sounded like a freight train when it kicked on.
It wasn't because I took melatonin before bed. I was over caffeinated on pre-workout and Rip Its most of the time.
It was because I accepted that whatever happens, will happen. In a way, it was a coping mechanism to avoid going crazy thinking of 1,000 "what if" scenarios.
You can control many things in life, but there will always be variables outside your control.
That's no more apparent than in today's job market.
Macroeconomic uncertainty, reduced headcount, and not receiving updates from every job application are unfortunately many times outside our control.
Instead of thinking about the "what ifs" for every scenario, focus 100% on what you can control.
Set up informational interviews with people in the roles and companies that interest you, find someone to provide honest feedback on your resume, practice answering interview questions, close the gap on missing skills and experience. The list goes on.
The uncontrollable variables will always be there. Save your sanity by concentrating on what you have the power to change. You'll sleep better, I promise.


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